Dress Up Sleeping Girl

A sleeping woman is undressed and dressed up in a Christmas outfit before being strangle.

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funbarbie3 +6 points3615 days ago

Stacy loves costume role play. Reply Report
ray pist

ray pist   0 points3551 days ago

i love raping girls in tight jeans Reply Report

funbarbie3 -1 points3443 days ago

yeah, but it is easier if she had a dress on. Reply Report

shoobootie   0 points854 days ago

That girl was such a worthy young victim - those guys sure knew how to pick a winner. She had a killer petite. perfect figure to go with that stunning body. Her sweet, soft, tender flesh was so smooth, clear and translucent like fine porcelain; those long, slender legs and arms equally seductive. And those breasts so ripe like fresh melons. So why, WHY would they dress her up in that outfit and cover up that intoxicating beauty? Dumb, just plain dumb. And it took two guys to off her? Would have loved to see her limbs trashing aimlessly as she was choked to death by her soft, white, delicate neck. Her struggle would have been so much more graphic and exciting to watch. Still, the guy that strangled her had a grip on the situation, tightening the garrote every second making her feel the most intense pain and suffering he could give her, her tortured gasps testament to her futile attempt to escape her killers. But it was not to be as she gradually became weaker and weaker until her final rattling gasp as her body ceases all signs of life, her limbs giving up the fight to escape and she becomes a still, silent corpse, finally dead. Her death stare is truly awesome, her dark eyes wide open in shock and horror at her fate, her upturned eyeballs graphically mirroring said horror. yes, those eyes which can no longer see the earth she has just left are now staring blankly into forever darkness. Her mouth frozen agape with her tongue dangling out so sexily is a sight to behold, said mouth open in disbelief at her well deserved demise. Her Long jet black hair cascading behind her lifeless head is another welcome sight, so captivating one would love to run one's fingers through that luxuriant mane. And kissing her dead ruby red lips would be a great final touch. If only her killers had not dressed her in that ridiculous costume we would have had a perfect kill and a visual treat to end all visual treats. A lovely cadaver such as hers should be viewed to the fullest. Still, they achieved their goal but could have been a lot better.After all , that girl was so sexy in life and even more so in death that we should have been given a better execution. Reply Report