Cheating Slut Looks Beautiful Taking A Facial

Lets face it guys, every girl cheats, so way not just cum on all their faces.

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somebodys projecting

somebodys projecting -2 points64 days ago

caption says every girl cheats but its statistically proven men cheat more and have higher body counts. someone got cheated on and is trying to cope, LOL Reply Report

FoidExterminator +4 points64 days ago

@somebodys projecting Its much easier to cheat as a woman than a man. if a woman is cheating on you, she is bored. a woman could crawl out of a sewer and find sex with the first man she sees, but not so easy for men. so 'muh men cheat more' is just cope. so if a man cheats on you, youre just hilariously ugly or he is much more attractive than you. Reply Report
Facts, yo

Facts, yo   0 points61 days ago

@FoidExterminator It's much easier to cheat as a female, but the inclination and likelihood is lower. Long and short of it, generally females are willing to put up with more of some dude's bullshit (before eventually leaving them) than most men would be if the shoe were on the other foot.Take alcoholism for example. When a man is an alcoholic, there's a 10% chance that his wife will leave him as a result. When a woman is an alcoholic, there's a 90% chance that her husband will leave her as a result (again, don't remember the source here either, but I remember it was linked on SAMHSA's site).It's harder to cheat as a male, but the inclination to try to do so is definitely higher.However, 90% of married men that cheat, cheat with a woman that they personally find less attractive than their wives, lol (I don't remember the source, but it was some study done several years ago). It seems to be more of a diminishing returns of a stale or failing relationship and it being a "different = better, even when it's worse" sort of thing.This is just anecdotal, but I think it applies in most cases... I think uglier guys are actually more likely to cheat on average. An attractive guy knows he can pull decent pussy pretty much whenever, so he's less likely to fuck up his relationship or marriage for some random strange unless there are already serious issues in the relationship. Ugly dudes cheat whenever because they know their opportunities in life will be few and far between.Females tend to cheat or not cheat based on their current partner. If she knows the relationship has major issues and likely won't last, or knows he has low self-esteem and knows he has very few potential sexual or romantic partners and would likely stay with her if he found out, then she might cheat. But it's pretty rare for a woman to cheat on her husband or boyfriend if she's in a happy, satisfying relationship. Reply Report

Becky +3 points64 days ago

@somebodys projecting Looks like someone believes our propaganda. Keep believing, you make it so much easier for us. Reply Report
Dookie hole fucker

Dookie hole fucker +2 points64 days ago

@Becky I want your dookie hole Reply Report