Massive Lactating Tits

Horny MILF aroused by men jerking off to her while her milk drips out of her tits.

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anybody know

anybody know +6 points1047 days ago

How do they make the areolas so big? Reply Report

julietiger +1 points1042 days ago

@anybody know It's from pregnancy hormones; helps make the nipple more visible Reply Report
This just in

This just in +2 points1048 days ago

New CDC mask guidelines: Vaccinated should mask indoors, as should K-12 schools Reply Report

prehensileman -7 points1037 days ago

@This just in you think you can fool us into believing into that narrative of a virus with a 99 percent survival rate? Well Dudley do-right you thought we were going to be stupid enough for you to take over and herd everyone like sheep with your fake and inconsistent, truths, morals and values that only a communist can praise and love?Well dummy since 2020 of January I've been exposed to over 200 people infected with Covid-19, and I never did get sick and most of the infected only realized they were infected when a test was performed, a test by the way that is so sensitive it constantly throws out fake positives because the healthcare workers don't store the perishable test kits properly when they receive them from the CDC and the CDC failed to inform and appoint people to educate on the kits when distributing them.Only the weak in mind and low morality would ascribe to or need a government to be told what to do and take away you hard earned money, while they constantly lie to you so they can control everything about you in your life. You're probably a communist The federal Government is only supposed to be in charge of defense and national security while they maintain a minimal government that maintains a treasury that is suppose to pay for our great Republic of these united states, so be careful who you tell that shit to because I am ready and willing to die to defend my rights and freedoms from tyranny Reply Report

EastSlavicwoman   0 points1032 days ago

@prehensileman communism is an economical system, not a political system.. you don't blame capitalism (servitude) for politics of godless people so why you blaming communism for the politics of godless people?! you have been so brain washed into idiocy in your public school system, no wonder you got mentally ill people getting rights to oppression the majority which know that a woman is a woman if got uterus! Reply Report

Usethathead   0 points1035 days ago

@prehensileman99 percent survival rate? Well yes. Here in West with excellent healthcare.In other countries its above 3% deathrate of those who get sick.But you don't understand anything because you are a paranoid tosser.They want us to vaccinate because :So we don't die.So we don't become severely ill.So our healthcare systems don't crash. Do you want warmode tirage in the ER? So our societies can get back to normal ASAP.So the virus don't have zones in the world were it can mutate jumping around among the nonvaccinated.Imagine this virus become as deadly as SARS or MERS. Society would crash.You freedom bullcrap is just selfish mumbo jumbo because your uneducated. And no, Facebook isn't a great teacher... Reply Report

EastSlavicwoman   0 points1032 days ago

@Usethathead it's you're uneducated, not your.. you are an idiot as much as him Reply Report

Jimmycamper   0 points1048 days ago

I love tits that are dripping milk. My 32yo girlfriend and her 18 yo daughter are both milkers and their tits are dripping milk within 15 minutes of taking off the pump. I will often suck on them and enjoy the sweet milk. Reply Report

Lilgirl   0 points1046 days ago

@Jimmycamper I want some Reply Report
Gee yy

Gee yy   0 points1027 days ago

Id beat them leaking titties up ! Reply Report

Crash730 -1 points1048 days ago

What is her chaturbate name?? Reply Report

prehensileman -2 points1037 days ago

She is wearing the same get-up the Japanese gal with the mega nipples and she was full of shit and a fraud wearing a prop bra while two Japanese men Assaulted her poked their index finger down into the center of her massive nipples in order to force their obviously much smaller index fingers into the inside of her breast, that reminded me of those bio-diverse flat topped Mountains in the Brazilian highlands that create their own weather, you could land a piper cub on the tops of her nipples they were so massive,.just like those mountain tops but of course it was all a porno act and both wore this kind of black halter that hides their own tits and make their story prop tit that does all of these amazing feats.And if you look very closely at their areola,and nipples you'll notice that the props and the costume dept didn't even bother authenticate their own work by making the areola, of the prop the very same color and texture of their own tits,, making it obvious they were not real nipples and areola, and that the harness they both wear allow the fake almost magical nipples and areola, to make their milk factories legendary but we know they are wearing a prop bra over their fun bagsSuch is the fate of 21st Century Lazy porno Reply Report