The Nun and the Devil (1973)

The story involves the power struggles and sexual intrigues of a group of good-looking nuns at the Sant Arcangelo Convent and in particular the machinations of Sister Julia (played by former Miss Great Britain Anne Heywood) as she attempts, by any means possible, to succeed to the position of the dying Mother Superior. The nuns struggle with their vows of celibacy, some inclining to lesbianism whilst others invite male lovers secretly into their cells. Meanwhile, a corrupt church hopes to benefit from an aristocratic donation to the Convent, before launching an inquisition into the lubricious and corrupt activities of the inmates of the Convent. There then follow graphic scenes of torture as miscreant nuns are stripped naked and tortured with a variety of devices in order to elicit a confession of their misdemeanours. The film ends with a resonant condemnation of the power hungry and corrupt church by Sister Julia after she has been found guilty and compelled to take poison to end her life.

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growcock -6 points663 days ago

I know that is just a movie; there fo not real. But you can't use toucher to get a person to get them to talk. They could end up saying only what they want to hear, and if you told them the truth,they would not believe you. And any person that would do this sort of thing needs the same thing done to him. And that so-called king that would order that kind of stuff is surely not a man of god. I bet that fat son of a bitch could never do what he wants done Reply Report