Who Got The Knife Now Bitch!

Robber stabs a dude in the head but it has absolutely no effect.

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asslover 1988

asslover 1988   0 points3023 days ago

i dont understand how is this possible ? Reply Report
A skull

A skull +2 points2900 days ago

There should be a great wikia page about it but I'll do my best, the human body is not all squishy skin like the way it looks, waaaayyy below the skin there's this body part, lets say, called bones they are what give use shape, bones are hard not squishy like skin if they were we'd probably just be blobs, funny word! On the top of the body is the heads it's the thing that you see from right now. Most people, not all but most have a brain housed in their head the brain is what helps most people think and is responsible for keeping the rest of the body working! If anything happened to the brain the body would probably die so through the magic of science most animals brains are surrounded by bones we call it the skull. Now if you knock on your head, and ignore the hollowed echo coming from yours, you can feel that it's hard. you can mimic what you saw here and try to put a kitchen knife through a 2by4 bones may crack easily, like wood, but they are hard to penetrate Reply Report

lolilover   0 points2829 days ago

Dude, I don't know if it's some kind of... weird sarcasm but I think everyone knows about bones, even more we all know what a brain is, inside de skull it's the brain, the thing that makes us alive.
There's not enough flesh on the head for a knife to be stabbed so deeply without any brain damage, I think what he means is "wtf? how did he survive with a knife inside his head? why didn't he drop dead?"

As a quick answer I've heard of people getting something inside their brains lucky enough to survive, don't know if they at least fainted or just bugged out on convulsions when they recieved the damage or if it is really a possibility that this guy really could even go chase the guy who tried to kill him, too bad there's no info at all to verify this and I'm not willing to search.
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