Woman Strangled With Wire

Nerdy fat guy snaps on girl wearing sexy stockings and strangles her to death with an electricity wire.

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Dr. Electro

Dr. Electro +1 points2715 days ago

That dumb bitch was truly a classic airhead not knowing what to do with that wire. Females like her couldn't tell one end of theirs from the other so I would say she deserved to die and the way she was killed was poetic justice. Wrapping that wire around her lovely sen- suos till she gasped her last was the way to go. Gorgeous death stare with those beautiful bug eyes mirroring her fate. Yes, her blouse said it all - Seek and Destroy. Well, honey consider
yourself destroyed - burn, baby burn!!
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Leatherdude +1 points2349 days ago

Could you lend me that beautiful bitches' sexy corpse? I'd love to strip her nude and play with her sexy body. I know she won't complain one bit!! Reply Report
Memento Mori

Memento Mori +1 points2825 days ago

This girls' body is heavenly almost beyond description. That killer is one lucky dude! Who would not want to fondle and caress this gorgeous babes' white, porcelain skin and killer body forever and ever? Those flailing legs and feet were quite a spectacle, but killer
should have remover the ugly shoes. Who also wouldn't want want to squeeze her soft, lovely neck harder and harder until her last futile
gasp for air? And her beautiful eyes are stunning indeed wide open in shock at her fate. Her tongue sticking out is a riot - say ahhhh....!
looking up at eternal darkness. Killer dude should have remover her
dress to reveal her awesome anatomy - would have given him a million for that. Still a terrific kill - lucky dude!
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Sandi   0 points1172 days ago

@Memento Mori I would love to die like that. Dead end boyfriend and job.I am 32 and I am ready. Don't want to die of cancer or something that takes long. If really interested i would do anything for you if you don't chicken out. Contact me here and i will give you my email Reply Report

MasterXY   0 points225 days ago

@Sandi you still alive? Reply Report
General Electric

General Electric   0 points2641 days ago

That dumb bimbo bitch met a most deserving fate. Killing her was a great favor to all; sluts like her should not be allowed to walk the earth
and share the same space with the rest of humanity. Her fate was most appropriate suffered a most painful and agonizing path to the
death which ended her worthless existence on this planet. Her soft lovely neck was worth choking till her last anguished gasp, her horror
and despair forever etched on her beautiful face, her eyes frozen open
in shock as is her lovely mouth likewise open in same - feel tempted to
cut out her gagging tongue and eat it. Dude, all you needed to do was
strip her nude - would really enjoy playing with her luscious dead body and fondling her tender flesh again and again. Superlative kill, my man- thanks for the memories.
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Lariat king

Lariat king   0 points2639 days ago

Killer sure did his job most efficiently. Loved seeing and hearing her painful gasps as she succumbed to the darkness of her well-deserved
death. The blood-red burn mark around her beautiful neck is a most
graphic souvenir of the bitch's demise and testament to our killer's
success in ridding the world of that horny, repulsive slut and whore.
Who wouldn't love to get on top her exquisite body to touch and fondle her her pearly white soft skin and do likewise with her sensuous arms and legs, feeling her tender hands and breaking her delicate fingers
making them blood red stumps and doing an equivalent job on her
long spider-like legs and feet. Yes, that vacuous airhead deserved to
die and receive the fate she got. Wish it could have lasted forever.
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vampyrman   0 points674 days ago

Terrific kill to a slut who most certainly deserved it but killer should have choked her with his hands to feel her life ebbing away by the minute and being that much more attuned to her tortured gasps.Then he should have taken the wire off her beautiful, soft, sensuous neck and massaged, fondled and caressed it even more. He then should have latched onto her head and snapped that lovely neck like a twig and let her lifeless head dangle from side to side like a mute rag doll. After that, just strip her, take her to bed or wherever he wants and play with her tantalizing cadaver however he wants and for as long as he wants. The bitch is after all finally vanquished and never looked better dead. Reply Report

Shockerdude   0 points2820 days ago

That gorgeous babe was sure wired for action - haha. Gives new meaning to the term plug and play. Would have traded places with the killer to have her all to myself. Still I give credit where credit is due. Terrific kill - hard to top that one! Reply Report
Doctor Death

Doctor Death   0 points2818 days ago

Who wouldn't want to strangle this dumb bitch over and over again?
That body is to kill for. Her death stare is priceless those beautiful
brown eyes staring into and empty chasm of darkness and her soft,
lovely neck a real squeeze. Display her still, silent corpse in a pro-
minent place for all to see. A perfect 10 for execution - get it?
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Aveda Kedavra

Aveda Kedavra   0 points2810 days ago

The inscription on her blouse sums up her fate perfectly and prophet
cally - Seek and Destroy. Lucky killer sure did and a job well done.
Should have stripped her nude for us to worship her glorious soft body. Would have given anything to fondle her forever. Great kill -
she deserved every second of her demise and her trip to the world
of Death.
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Mr. Fix-it 369

Mr. Fix-it 369   0 points2804 days ago

What a terrific kill - one of the best! The killer took the slogan on the slut's dress literally - Seek and Destroy! He sure did - with an electrical wire he used to full effect squeezing her lovely neck till she gave her last gasp and croaked. Hope he got a real charge out of
killing her - haha! She looks so beautiful dead with her her magnificent death stare with her stunning brown eyes looking out into a dark nothingness and her lovely hair cascading behind her head. Yes, she is true work of art in death as a still, lifeless corpse.
Only having her nude would have made the experience complete.
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AC/DC   0 points2700 days ago

The killer merits our thanks for killing that worthless airhead. That bitch deserved to die, to be killed, murdered, slain ,exterminated and eliminated. Seeing her choked her to death was indeed one of the great pleasures of this or any day, her soft white delicate neck so in-
viting to the task at hand. Hearing her futile gasps was music to my ears and when she finally succumbed to the Lord of Death it was the
icing on the cake. I would have stripped her nude, went on top of her
soft bidy and played with her ad infinitum. That girl was indeed a sexy
bombshell in life but even more so dead. Seeing the slut and whore as s still silent corpse is a sight to behold.
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Tongueincheek   0 points2457 days ago

Best kill ever. Strangled the worthless slut beautifully and made her feel the pain in the biggest way possible. Should have taken off her stockings, cut off her tongue and shoved them all down her soft, lovely neck and let her gag while he choked her to death. Then take the cord off to view her neck completely, strip her down then play and fondle her glorious dead body to his heart's content. As she is now a still, silent corpse she won't resist, will she? Reply Report

Boobsie   0 points347 days ago

She couldn't figure this thing out to save her life. Best line ever and the absolute truth. She sure couldn't and paid the price big time. The guy masterfully killed off the worthless slut with obvious gusto as she vainly fought to remove the cord with her hands while kicking furiously all the while. But her killer with unflagging determination tightened the cord around her sexy neck more with every passing minute till she uttered her last tortured gasp, her arms dropping down from her neck in defeat (her legs though unseen in her final moments dropped motionless to the floor as her body, now transformed into a lifeless cadaver lay still and silent on the floor, her pose in death a work of art, her slender, soft arms spread out, her fingers twisted like a pretzel, her legs spread out in equally mesmerizing fashion. Her inimitable death stare sealed the deal, her eyes and mouth fixed open and transfixed into blank versions of their former selves, echoing the shock of her demise and the pain thereof which was most well-deserved. Rarely has a murder victim been such a graphic and satisfying vision of death - she looks exquisite as such and quite possibly unequaled. One could go on in praise of this event but the one should get the picture - a beautiful dead bitch. Reply Report
blu ball

blu ball   0 points1744 days ago

This brainless bitch deserved all the pain and agony she received and got the ultimate fate - DEATH!! But her killer should have used his own hands on her beautiful soft neck to choke the living daylights out of her and truly feel her suffering as he administered his mighty handiwork. He would have felt her final gasp that mush more as her chest fell for the lat time and her luscious, sexy limbs became motionless and succumbed to her well-deserved demise. Her slender legs have stopped flailing and her tender arms have fallen limply and lifelesslly on the floor next her gloriously dead body. Her abundant silky smooth dark hair cascading behind her now lifeless head is a marvel to behold. Who would not want to run one's fingers endlessly through that luxuriant mane. And our victim is worthy of a great big wet kiss on those moist ruby red dead lips. Yes, this girl rather this slut was a sexpot while alive but is now infinitely more sexy as the still, silent corpse she now is. This slimeis now where she belongs - in the bowels of Hell!! Her gorgeous cadaver is a true work of art, a masterpiece in death. One would be hard pressed to find such perfection in a sexy dead girl. Reply Report

Bob   0 points1623 days ago

Noice. Reply Report

Yeyyeyeyeyeye   0 points1351 days ago

At least fuck her body after dont waste that shit Reply Report

lotofdumbassesarehere   0 points1183 days ago

Lol you know this is acting right? Reply Report
wolfie 8

wolfie 8   0 points954 days ago

That girl's hair looks like a mass of slithering snakes - is she a relative of Medusa? She looks so sexy that way, even more so dead than alive. Love her pose and death stare - a real treat for the senses. A more beautiful victim could not have been chosen. Reply Report
xyz out

xyz out   0 points1029 days ago

Bet that dumb worthless bitch bit a real charge out of that! The fact that that miserable whore was allowed to stay alive as long as she had was on of the great mysteries of life. Clearly her killer took is mission most seriously by killing off his victim, a most beautiful and worthy prize indeed. One could see the slut suffer in as much pain and agony as he could muster as she struggled to free herself from her captor her gasping for air even more urgent with every passing second and her luscious shapely limbs flailing up in the air in a futile dance of death which would be futile indeed. Yes, she gradually and finally gave up the fight and succumbed to her well deserved fate. Her death stare was a marvel to behold, those beautiful brown orbs once so full of life now staring blankly into eternal darkness, the shock and horror of her demise most apparent. Likewise her sexy mouth wide open fixed agape is equally alluring as if she voiced one last plea for mercy which was rightly denied. her lovely red tongue sticking out of her mouth was a great bonus. Her still silent cadaver was a work of art unlike any other. She never looked as good as she does now - dead as dead can be. Reply Report

shoobootie   0 points869 days ago

Sexiest dead girl ever. She is a knockout with that mesmerizing death stare. Those wide open bug eyes and mouth with her tongue hanging out is an absolute thrill. Yes, that sexpot is the perfect picture of death. Reply Report

vampyrman   0 points686 days ago

That chick's flesh is so incredibly smooth, soft and pearly white. So perfect to fondle and caress, stripping her of those ugly clothes and then lying on top if her flawlessly endowed corpse while doing whatever comes to mind including the above. Yep, she is an open invitation for whatever happens next. And also get rid of the garrote to massage that beautiful, soft neck. One could think of endless pleasures to partake of her - the possibilities are endless! Reply Report

shoobootie   0 points649 days ago

How fitting her dumbfounded facial expression when she kicked he bucket. Fits her dumb, airheaded personality. That bug eyed death stare is just perfect along with the way she was dispatched. She deserved every second of her ordeal. Her stunning corpse was well, perfectly displayed showing her glorious anatomy - if only her clothes had been ripped off to show off that beautiful cadaver to the fullest and the garotte removed from her equally beautiful and sexy neck.Still, the dumb bitch is dead and the job well done indeed. Reply Report
Dr. Mabius

Dr. Mabius   0 points351 days ago

Never tire of looking at that dead bitches' cadaver. That death stare is truly magnificent, those big eyes staring wide open into total darkness and her mouth gaping equally agape with that tongue of hers sticking out like a savory piece of meat. Indeed her whole corpse is delectable meat worthy to be played with any way as desired. One could do anything with her - the sky's the limit. Strip her of those ugly clothes and shoes and have fun! Mount her body and caress her soft pure flesh, squeeze those boobs and also caress those slender limbs - a pleasure to engage in. And also remove the wire from her beautiful neck, massage it and then choke her post-mortem after which one would snap her neck like a twig and let her head sway from side to side like a limp doll. Yes, we will have a ball with the slut for as long as we can endure. Death was the ultimate reward for the bitch and we reap our own reward rejoicing in her well-deserved and long-awaited fate - playing with her stunning lifeless body is our own ultimate reward. Let the fun begin!!! Reply Report

Totalfuck   0 points350 days ago

Now why did he not fuck her brains out what a fucking beautiful bitch stuff her panties on her mouth silly stupid cunt split her cunt wide open. Rape her when he his strangling her useless women Reply Report

Welldoner -1 points2579 days ago

That dumb, brainless bitch deserved to die and got exactly what was coming to her. Hope she felt the pain to the max and suffered to the very end. Her death stare at her wonderful demise was simply priceless. I'm glad she's dead - wouldn't want it any other way. Reply Report